Feb 7, 2015

IS Media Always Telling The Truth?

Nowadays people get most of the informations from media, and media influence people widely in both positive and negative ways. I'm going to focus more on the truth of media, and how badly can media influenced people in a negative way.

Is everything display on the television, magazine or radio are 100% true?! Although people know sometimes media don't tell the truth, why we still choose to believe it? I think most of us prefer to choose what we like or what we want! For example, sometimes I believe the rumor that is told from my friends although I know it's not true. Just simply because I believe in my friends, I forgot to think about whether they're telling the truth or not.
However, this is not the reason why audience like to watch TV shows! I believe that people like to watch them is because the shows are interesting, or funny, etc. Moreover, to make audience interested about the shows, the host has to say about something that attracts people but not necessarily have to be the truth, and so do commercials! Their point is much more about getting people's attention but not talking about truth. In addition, sometimes news can make mistakes, they might misreport something or they didn't do enough research and confirm before they report the news! Also, they make up celebrities' rumors for readers because some people are interested about celebrities' privacy.
Furthermore, media can influence people in bad ways. The media affects the way we act and think. It can change one's view on a same thing. For instance, many children act like the way they saw on TV. Moereover, there are many violence video game that influence children's mind. On the other hand, there are positive outcomes from media. The technology are improving, we can get information not only from newspaper, but also from the internet, television, and radio. 


  1. Media is very persuasive when it comes to what we are "suppose" to think and what we should believe. The ability to watch 700+ channels, read countless news pappers/magazines, and surf the internet to find anything we want answers to is really convenient but at the same time.. there are so many different ideas from different people and what they think the truth is. In a way this new age of technology is the greatest thing, but just as you said, it can negatively impact how we think.

  2. I would agree that often times we have a false faith in people, many times our own friends, that we blindly trust what they are telling us to be truth. We should get into the habit of taking everything we are told with a grain of salt, whether that be what the media is telling us or our own friends and family. The truth remains that no one has all the facts and can be leaving out very crucial information. While I also agree that media has a major impact and influence on the youth of our society, you cannot solely attribute a violent video game to be the causation of a violent child. Many studies are being done and have been done this topic. I think you did a very effective job relating the to the themes of the class.

  3. I agree with you, the media captures the audience by humor and making them laugh. Sometimes this humor offends the person being made fun of. I find laughter relieve stress. Good post, thanks for sharing

  4. "Is everything display on the television, magazine or radio are 100% true?!" I think that depends on situation. In my personal opinion, sometimes, some reporter tell fact to people, but the others are not. What's your thinking about this?
